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Welcome Neighbors

Engage Gig Harbor is a group of residents intended to bring our Gig Harbor neighbors from all walks of life together so we can learn about and grow our community's involvement by engaging with each other and the city.


We hope you will participate – whether through supporting local elections, serving on a Commission/Board, tuning in to public meetings or providing valuable input to our elected officials.


Join us and keep up with local happenings with our newsletter.  To subscribe send us an email at


Together we can make Gig Harbor an even better place to live.


Save the Date!

Our main focus this year will be on the multitude of elections coming up in November. FIVE City Council seats and the Mayor will be on the ballot. If you, or someone you know, has considered running for office, this is the time to tune in, get informed and get involved.

SAVE THE DATE: MARCH 11 – Engage Gig Harbor is hosting a Community Discussion to help answer your questions about how our city operates, how to run for office, and what it's like to be an elected official.

Featuring Special Guests:


  • Robyn Denson – Current Pierce County Council member and former Gig Harbor City Council member

  • Spencer Hutchins – Former Gig Harbor City Council member and WA State Representative


If you've ever wondered: What is the job of a Mayor? What are the responsibilities of a City Council member and how can I become one? How are decisions made that determine our taxes, zoning and budgets? I don't want to run for office, but how can I make a difference? ...then this is a great place to start – Please join us on MARCH 11!

Bring your questions and bring your neighbors – It's a great year to get engaged!


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How to Engage

Ways to stay informed and engage with your community

Sign up today! You'll get a short 1-minute survey every few months.

Your info is anonymous and helps the city make more informed decisions.

Sign up to receive notifications related to your topics of interest at

Attend Council Meetings

The City Council meets at 5:30 every second and fourth Monday.  Attend 

in-person, via Zoom or phone

Find more information here

Send Email

Email your ideas, opinions, feedback to our elected officials at:

Run for Office

Consider elected public service — Whether it’s for Mayor or City Council, each term is four years and election cycles occur every couple years.

City Advisory Boards

Consider volunteering for one of the city’s advisory boards, including Planning, Parks, Arts, Design Review.  Find more information here

Social Media

Connect with Your Neighbors

Engage with US! 

Gig-A-Byte newsletter — Sign up here
Facebook — FoIIow “City of Gig Harbor” and some council members
YouTube — View all
Council and Commission meetings and past Gig-A-Byte podcasts

Encourage your neighbors to engage with the community and our civic process.

Mission Statement

Engage Gig Harbor is a non-partisan group formed by neighbors to inspire citizen participation in the civic process while also encouraging more connection with and from our elected representatives and city staff members.


Join Us

Engage Gig Harbor is an all volunteer group dedicated to making a positive impact on the local area. We are passionate about creating a vibrant community that fosters connection and engagement.  This is an active group so raise your hand if you would like to help steer this community-based effort in the future.  If you would like to get involved in helping us work towards building engagement in our community please email us at:

We Value:
  • Engaged citizens who are willing to work together to make our community better. â€‹

  • Representatives that promote civic dialogue and foster consensus building.​

  • Elected officials who understand our community’s culture, values, and priorities through effective listening.

  • Representatives who are willing to express their ideas and opinions openly in public meetings.


We Believe:
  • Robust conversations lead to greater community trust.

  • Every voice matters but many voices are better.

  • Voting is a responsibility that gives a voice to the community.

  • When candidates run unopposed it undermines the power of the vote. 

  • Barriers to public involvement are harmful to our community and need to be removed.

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